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terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2019


Fonte: Cepea

Players who participate in the spot market of fed cattle and are Cepea collaborators have exclusive access to a great variety of subjects, which are frequently updated and available in different formats and media platforms. Based on information provided by Cepea, different types of trades are closed, involving livestock products and aspects that are not always related directly to this area.

However, the biggest advantage for collaborators, people who inform Cepea voluntarily and on a daily basis about their trades, is not on the individual and specific use of the information provided by the Center, but on possible systemic results that can be obtained in a more transparent market.

Throughout the years, many actions have been established by Cepea, aiming to obtain improvements in the process of elaborating information on the fed cattle sector, such as the introduction of tools focused on the initial stage of this process, mechanisms that aim to clarify the level of commitment of players on elaborating price averages, methodological improvements, an exclusive channel to assist collaborators and others.

Besides traditional channels to gather trades, cattle farmers, offices and slaughterhouses currently have safe electronic ways to facilitate the transference of detailed data to Cepea basis.

The information, in turn, is part of the sample to calculate averages of different products.

Cattle raisers can inform trades of calf and ready-to-slaughter animals through an app, allowing data gathering even during daily activities at the farm. Slaughterhouses and offices, in turn, send information electronically. Cepea is engaged on working on the system integration to transmit data, facilitating the task to inform Cepea.

The formalization of a Code of Conduct highlights the participation – of both professionals from Cepea and collaborators – based on principles guided by ethical practices.

As for methodological improvements, the recent adjustment on statistical criteria to elaborate the ESALQ/[B]3 Index for fed cattle (São Paulo State, cash price), to verify the size of the sample concentration, for instance, according to the movement of the market, can be highlighted. Frequent adjustments of methodologies are performed, promoting the discussion with partners and the fed cattle sector, searching for ideal adequacies.

The restart of the process of producing quality information, however, occurs on a daily basis, with the collaborative and committed participation of every agent in the market. In a constant evolution cycle that brings maturity to the entire sector, quality information produce favorable results that spread all over the chain, reaching every link, every agent and, in a synergic movement, promote gains for the society as a whole.

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